Aug 26, 2011


1.What’s with the word “CON”?

Try to create a folder anywhere you like (i.e. desktop, my documents)

Rename the folder with --> CON <-- and see what will happen.

2.What’s up with “BUSH”?

Open your notepad.

Type “Bush hid the facts” without the “ “.

Save it and open it again.

3.Test the strength of your anti-virus

Do you want to know if your anti-virus is really protecting your PC? Open your notepad and copy-paste this code “X50!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H*” without “”.

Save the file as If your anti-virus is really protecting your PC, it will warn you about this “virus tester”.

NOTE: This isn’t harmful to your PC. This is just a simple test to check if your anti-virus can detect virus.

4. Make your computer speak whatever you like !

Open Notepad and copy-paste the following code into it.

Dim message, sapi
message=InputBox("What do you want me to say?","Speak to Me")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak message

Save it with the name speak.vbs and click Enter.

Double click the saved file and Speak to Me application will open. Type in the box all the things you want your computer to say and then click OK.

5. The Restart Remap

We start with one sure to throw off even the most advanced Windows user. Setup is simple and you need only a few seconds alone on someone’s computer. When you get a chance, sneak over and right-click your pal’s icon to Internet Explorer or some other commonly used program. Edit the properties and change the target to: “%windir%\system32\shutdown.exe -r -t 00″ Now, every time your buddy tries to run IE, his machine will mysteriously restart — and your laughter will instantly result.

6. Startup Folder Fun

While we’re on the topic of system startups, the Windows Startup folder is a fantastic place for fun. Create a text file with an amusing message and throw it in there so your cubicle mate will get a daily greeting — or, if you really want to get evil, add in the restart shortcut from above (not recommended unless you just want to get your ass kicked).

7. Disappearing Desktop

A classic computer prank never goes out of style. The desktop image trick has been around for a bit, but rest assured: There are plenty of unsuspecting victims still to be found. Just head over to an unattended computer, minimize all the windows, and hit the Print Screen key. Paste the captured image into any graphic editing program — even Microsoft Paint will do — then save the file and set it as the desktop background. Then, all you have to do is hide the actual icons on the desktop — put them in a folder somewhere — and your slave will try endlessly to click the nonexistent icons, which are actually just part of the background image. For another variation, leave one program open when you capture the screen and watch as the person tries to click on it, type in it, and close it to no avail.

8. Auto-Insult

There are few things funnier than forcing a friend to insult himself — and Microsoft has made it easy to do just that. Take a moment to edit the Autocorrect feature in your colleague’s Word or Outlook (it’s in the Tools menu in both programs). Add a new entry to replace their name with “douche,” and watch how much more interesting all their emails and documents will suddenly become. A little creativity can take this one in plenty of different and equally entertaining directions.

9. A Pointer Pointer

Another great mouse prank awaits you in the Control Panel. Under the “Mouse” settings’ “Pointer” tab, change the default mouse pointer to the hourglass. Suddenly, the system is always busy working! What’s going on?!

10. Also see the annoying google :

11. How to unlock the hidden Tetris/Brick game on uTorrent:

You must have uTorrent installed on your PC to follow these steps.

1. Launch uTorrent. Go to Help and click “About uTorrent”.
About uTorrent

2. Press the letter “T” on your keyboard. Voila! You have now unlocked the Tetris game.

Hold the windows key and press L
This will lock your workstation instantly. This means that if you are in a public place or a shared machine and go for a toilet break but do not wish for anyone to sneak a peak at what you are doing, or at worst steal your files, then this will take you back to the login screen instantly. Very handy indeed!

This is the best trick to annoy your brother/sister.
Hold alt then press F4
This is quite a common one but should be mentioned here anyway. This key press will close your current window. If your screen is getting cluttered you can go on a 'close rampage' by holding down the F4 key as well! Good times!

14. Quick Undo

I use this very very liberally and find it to be one of the most useful key presses ever. This works for almost everything and I should have really put this in the top section but it seems to have snuck down here for some reason! Hold down the Ctrl key and press Z to undo anything you just did. This works for an absolute ton of programs which includes every single office program.

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